About Powahay District

What is a District? A Scouting District is a geographical area of the BSA local Council. District volunteer leaders mobilize resources to ensure the growth and success of Scouting Units within the District's territory. All Districts are responsible for carrying out four standard functions:

1. Membership 2. Finance 3. Program 4. Unit Service

The membership, finance, and program functions are carried out by members of the District Committee. The Unit service function is carried out by the District Commissioner Staff.

Powahay District
"For strength of mind, body and character."
The logo for Powahay District is a medicine feather from a Shaman, or Indian medicine man.  The feather is strong medicine for curing and for the strength of mind, body, and character. Powahay (pronounced po-WA-hay) -- was a Chief and last representative of Indians in lower Fairfield County. His name was chosen as our district name to honor the Native Americans that once lived in the communities that make up our district.